Member Application


    Section 1 : Information About You

    First Name :

    Last Name :

    Address :

    City :

    State :

    Zip Code :

    Email :

    Phone Number :

    How did you find us? :
    RadioInternetWord Of MouthOther

    Are you at least 21 years of age? :

    Date of Birth? : (exp. YYYY-MM-DD)

    Are you male or female? :

    Marital Status :

    Do you have prior Military experience? :

    If so, what branch were you In? :
    ArmyAir ForceCoast GuardNavyMarines-NONE

    Section 2 : Questions

    Are you currently in active service? :

    Are you currently qualified to obtain a concealed handgun license? :

    Are you currently a CHL holder? :

    Have you been convicted of a felony in the past 10 years? :

    Have you been convicted of a class A or B misdemeanor in the past 5 years? :

    Have you been a legal resident of the state of California for at least 6 months? :

    Are you fully-qualified under federal and state law to purchase a firearm whether It is a Rifle or Pistol? :

    Do you wish to be an Active Member or Convert? :

    (NOTE: Covert means that you support the Legion, but do not wish to be recognized or actively involved for personal reasons or if it could cause problems in your life with your job or others. We do offer both types so that anyone who wishes to be involved at some level will be able to do so.)


    Note:Please not that we will NEVER share any information that you have submitted in this form with anyone, period. After we have accepted your application and have issued you access to the website, the information that you submitted will be destroyed. We do this as a favor to members who wish to maintain anonymity in the legion. We aren't trying to sneak around or raise suspicion about anything concerning our action, but want you to feel secure that your data is safe.

    Thank you for your interest in the American Armenian Legion.
