Wisdom of Life


Since we receive a lot of questions regarding joining us and the legion as an organization, here are answers to some questions we tend to get a lot. If there are other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Am I Too Old?
You are never too old. We have positions for everyone. We need people to help organize staffs, make phone calls, write letters, clerical work, or just be a friendly place to call upon in a time of need.

Am I Too Young?
You are never too young to start learning how to be self-sufficient through survival skills and firearm safety. We teach all ages of young people skills, which are appropriate for their age. However, to actively join the legion and participate in all training exercises, you must be 18 years of age. Parents who wish to sign up their children can do so, and we hope the parents join us as well.

What If I Am Not In Good Enough Shape?
No matter what shape you are in physically, you can be a part of the Legion. Not all activities in the Legion require physical endurance but if you are looking to get in shape, we can certainly help you achieve that goal through monthly exercises with the Legion, hikes and support.

What If I Am In Poor Health Or Have A Disability?
You are welcome to join the Legion. Even if you are unable to leave the house, you can still be an active member in the legion.

Will My Involvement Be Kept In Anonymity?
There are several levels of involvement and it is entirely possible for someone to be extremely active in the Legion but have the involvement be anonymous.  You will find most legionnaires nationwide expect and honor personal privacy. If you wish, the number of people who know your full name can be minimal. If you wanted to be an anonymous member, then the number is reduced to 2, and in some instances 1 person in the entire state knowing of your involvement. Besides, the person(s) you are concerned about knowing may already be training with us and keeping it a secret. You will be surprised at the people you already know in the Legion.

What If I Cannot Afford The Equipment?
You don’t have to have all the equipment listed to train. It is easy and relatively inexpensive to acquire if you know where to look and what to look for, and we will readily teach you how. Our members are very friendly and always looking to help newcomers.

What If I Don’t Know How To Shoot, Maneuver, Etc., Or I Don’t Know That Much About Guns?
We will teach you everything you need to know about firearm safety, shooting, survival, tactics, and anything else you need to know or have an interest in learning. You need not feel intimidated by a limited knowledge about guns, military items, etc. We would be glad to teach you what you are willing to learn.

Does My Ethnic Or Religious Background Matter?
ALL races, colors, religions, and creeds are accepted. Everyone will be given the same respect and will be asked to show the same respect to other members. No speeches or preaching geared toward the inferiority of any other race, creed, religion, etc. will be tolerated. No hate speech will be tolerated. NO ONE will be harassed for any reason. We also ask politics to be left out of the Legion.

Can I Join If I Am A Female?
The legion not only accepts women/girls, it actively recruits them as equals in the legion. In fact, there are several ranking officers who happen to be women.

Will I Fit In?
Everyone is welcome. Our members are friendly, have a variety of interests and new-comers always form close connections in and outside the Legion.

Is the Legion a non-profit organization? Can I make a donation?
We welcome support from the community. The Legion has been operating as a non-profit and will continue to do so, however, the Legion is not yet a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit. If you would like to help or partner with our organization, please contact us through our contact form.
